Saturday, February 14, 2009

it was a great day...and stuff

clothing updates:
I had to throw away some unmentionables because they were too big for me!
A shirt I had been saving until I lost some weight was really too big for me today!
my pants are just swimming around me! Only a couple more inches & I will have to go down a size! OH YEA!

my groom & I don't buy into that Valentines Day mess, we decided long ago to be as good as we could be to eachother & not worry about holidays the card companies try to guilt you into doing.

he decided to cook some salmon for dinner & I've never had it before! ohhhhhhhh it was SO good! He is such a good cook!

today, I met up with one of my highschool friends & we had just the best time! I have missed talking to her & w/i minutes we were laughing & giggling like we use to! It did my heart good to see her!