Monday, April 06, 2009

my day

this blurry pic is a test knit I'm doing for a pattern I'm thinking of making up...

what caused this? See below

on the nail nails are getting to the point I truly need to cut them. I've never done that....*nervous*

these hands are to blame for the yarn ball seen above. I'm trying another technique to dye yarn

I know it doesn't show up that dark here, but it does in real life

what's in this bowl? I'm glad you asked! Read below!
it came with this little card. I love butterflies & this card is already on my fridge! It's so pretty! Thanks sunshine friend!

chocolate covered sunflower seeds from my sunshine friend! YUMMO! I split them between the kiddos!

Alaska???!! Oh my!
thank you so much, friend! I love getting/ sending snailmail!