Saturday, March 28, 2009

week in review, fitness & otherwise.

this week has been a rough week, but I did manage to get a few workouts in. I managed a measley 4 hour workout for the week, I'm trying to not kick myself for it..but with Tom Ed's passing it's just left me in a loop.

I did do other things than cry and go to church (sometimes both at the same time), and try to be supportive of those with broken hearts during this are a few pics.
I haven't blogged about my spinning lately, but this is what I have spun this week....the white is from today

it's almost thin enough

this is what it starts out like
2 skeins were spun this week (one partial & one whole)

I received 2 count them 2 letters with happies inside...thank you dear helped me truly this week............

and Nannerpus! I knitted him in like 2 or 3 days.


Anonymous said...

Your handspun is lovely! Keep up the good work. :o)