Thursday, February 19, 2009

my Macros 2/18/09 (Shred)

my Macros were as follows yesterday

I will do the totals instead of breaking them down into meals

  • Calories-1177
  • Fat-39
  • carbs-123
  • protein-93
  • sodium-1500mg.

those are pretty close. My stupid fats are still low. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

according to Jillin Michaels book, I'm a balanced oxidizer.

I need to do

40% Carbs

30% protein

30% fat

30% of all my meals & snacks need to be made up of protein. 30% of calorie allowance from natural oils/fats.

my BMR formula when I was just starting out was as follows:

655+(4.35 x weight)+(4.7 x height)+(4.7 x age)=1317, and I've lowered it to try to "shock" my metabolism (I've already stated the macros)...I'm so excited!